Writing for the Workplace

This set of materials is the culmination of projects from a special topics class in Teaching Technical Communication. The course helped me learn how to teach principals of technical communication in a classroom setting. Another course I took called Technology and Instruction in Society (in a different department, Learning Systems Technology) taught me how to use basic software applications in the context of the the classroom. Both courses were very useful in teaching Writing for the Workplace, and introductory-level technical communications course.

In teaching Writing for the Workplace, I believe that each assignment should be grounded in both rhetorical theory and professionalism. The meeting minutes assignment is a good example of these goals: rhetorical principles guide the student on tailoring the document to specific audiences and purposes; professionalism gives them the confidence necessary to represent themselves honestly and respectfully.

I used Microsoft Word to create both the syllabus and assignment, and Microsoft Excel for the Spreadsheet.

Writing for Work Materials

My time in the classroom was evaluated by Dr. Cindy Nahrwold; in this letter to me she compliments me on what worked well in class and offered some suggestions on how I could improve classroom interaction.